An audio diary- a personal health journey- with over forties health

Managing a home after a health situation with bonus material too of meditation Episode two hundred and twenty eight)

Hannah Boyce

Buenos dias mi familla, mi amigos amigas to date, como te sientas hoy? muy bien gracias y tu? overforties says here little quirky self to date.

Moreover, overforties tried to come in timely and provide at least one podcast a month although it has been a challenge to manage home lie for her self to date this podcast will enlighten one how things can be and if you stick around to andtill the end you may get a little surprise of a bonus meditation which you can join in or do at your leisure with overforties health as she has found this practice super useful to date and helps with and in her daily life to date, this podcast will ofer you some practical tips on managing a home tips on how to stay calm and it is mostly a general chitchat with a bit of story telling too rom the host overforties health to date too.

Also, this podcast is just over thirty minutes long, and and overforties health shares some useful tips from a meditation set she got back in 2021 and she thought it can and would be useful to one whether they are going through a health situation or had a health situation to date to learn to be mindful in all ways and it was and is a bit of fun with the host to play and do some gaming over the air she thought (smiles to self).

Lastly, overforties health mostly has come in on the go for this podcast so have not used any factual information to date from this podcast but has quoted  from Netflix and watched a number of series and films to date one of which is a daily dose of sunshine which a and is a fantastic watch to date for one if they have this service to date. In conclusion, overforties will be working on more content creation shortly but as her podcast suggest one will notice that managing a home can be tricky especially after a health situation cause one is that much more mindful for the things they can do and the lifting as well to date.

All in all if you wish to connect to the host although has not been present much on social media but she has a you tube channel which she will be building up slowly and her name online across the board on twitter is overforties health, she is on twitter, linked in and has a website to date but will hopefully be building her online brand in the near future, if you like the sound of this host stick with her and her journey after a health situation, and she signs of and says bye for now, adios, hasta luego, (smiles to self)....

Host's website link

Apple podcasts review link

Health and well being checklists and tips for good health going forward (National health service website),to%20pay%20for%20them%20privately.